Thursday, September 09, 2010


Senja itu genit sekali
Tersipu malu di sela-sela rambut mu
Kamu tertunduk, merekahkan kilau tetes air di ujung hidungmu
Tumpah di riak laut yang mulai kelabu

Aku iri pada langit yang menaungimu
Dan laut yang merengkuh tubuhmu
Aku iri padamu yang tengah merayu bintang
Padamu yang asyik mencumbu samudra


The sun is about to leave
The sky is about to hide
If only you know how scared am i to lose my self in the dark
Heart shaking hard in a palm of my cold hope

The dawn is about to come
Would you wake me up in your arms?
Take me to that high cliff
Cause i don't wanna miss the sun

Please don't give up on me tomorrow
Cause today, i give my faith in you
Would you promise me,
That you gonna save me from my self


bd said...

this can be a song. :)

Christina Maria Panjaitan said...

Really? please make it =)